Pátrání po "kritické sociální práci" v České republice


  • Radka Janebová Ústav sociální práce Univerzity Hradec Králové


'Critical social work' is not theoretically embedded in the Czech context enough and is not explored its practical implementation. The text represents
an initial phase of an extensive research that aims to identify specific forms of 'critical social work' in the Czech Republic.

This is the explanatory case study of the functioning of the 'critical social work' in the Czech Republic today, but that has been made through the study of more cases. The text presents a snapshot of the first phase of the research, which involves identifying potential organizations or events through analysis of documents technique on the Internet by pre-declared criteria of 'critical social work'. So far the research only presents the activity
of selected organizations that formally fulfilled the established criteria of choice, but has not yet verified its validity through interviews.

The main aim of the text is to define 'critical social work' and put examples of organizations or events in the Czech Republic of their activities to show signs of 'critical social work' and briefly describe their activities.

The text has been defined "critical social work ', criteria have been set out by which it is possible to identify the organizations and events that bear the marks of 'critical social work' and two examples of organizations were given (Konexe, Ježek a čížek) and one example of such an event (BED IN).  
I have also tried to assign these examples to a specific perspective of 'critical social work'.

The analysis documents shows that what is known as 'critical social work' abroad, takes place rather under the heading of 'social activism' in the Czech Republic.


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