Specifické faktory ovlivňující sociální exkluzi seniorů žijících v domácím prostředí


  • Dagmar Dvořáčková Jihočeská univerzita, Zdravotně sociální fakulta, Katedra sociální práce


The article reports on current issues of social exclusion of older people and indicates the specific factors that influence the social exclusion of older people living at home. Social exclusion of some groups are more at risk than others. As the world's population is aging and the elderly are a large group that is affected by this problem. This study presents the basic concepts related to social exclusion in the context of the elderly and points to the selected dimensions of social exclusion in the Czech Republic. These are primarily medical, psychological and social factors, which in practice intertwined and dependent. They affect not only the creation, but also the degree of social exclusion.

The research was carried out with the help of quantitative research strategy and focused on the identification of risk factors in the lives of seniors living at home. Social exclusion as a specific determinant of health, was one of the items under consideration. The main objective was to assess the relationship between selected characteristics of social exclusion and health. A field survey was conducted standardized technique guided interview.

The research results point to the fact that the increasing dependence on the assistance of another person and reduction of self-sufficiency, will limit the autonomy of the elderly and to reduce the subjective perception of health. Respondents who felt ageism, demonstrable value worse subjective health perception.

Some older people are at risk of social exclusion more than their peers. This fact is involved in many internal and external factors. These factors are mutually interrelated and cumulative. Social exclusion in the context of senior issues closely linked to meeting the needs of seniors. Seniors need in life to meet all your needs as well as anyone else, and are often dependent on the assistance of his surroundings. The need for care is not primarily associated with age, but is associated with a decrease in functional ability and self-sufficiency that restrict people in their ability to meet their daily needs.


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