
  • Vendula Gojová


There is a general expectation from social work to provide clients protection from social exclusion or to support them in their reintegration into society. In situation, when employment is considered to be a keystone of integration, social work gets into trouble, as social work is not able to create any job opportunities itself. The author in a paper argue about distinguished changes allied foremost to labour market changes, and their goal is to identify social work´s opportunities to deal with these risks, or to prevent them. Concept of integration and concept of social entrepreneurship (especially enterprises WISE) are topic of the text.

Theoretical solvents are discussed with research results “Social Work in the social entrepreneurship area” funded by Student research Found by University of Ostrava. The research process in this area has two phases – qualitative and quantitative.

The topic of this text is 1st phases, which research aim is to contribute to recognition of social entrepreneurship´s reality and put forward possibilities of social work application in the area of social entrepreneurship. In this research phase are realized semi-structured interviews with social entrepreneurship´s founders, eventually
with social workers. The basic principle of the choosing social entrepreneurships is the principle of theoretical selection. The interviews are analysed by the method
of grounded theory in this time. 

There are two types of social enterprises by ways of achieving integration objectives. For each type are identified means of the social work and are discussed its opportunities for further development of the relationship between social entrepreneurship and social work.

For the integration goals of social work is promising, when founders/managers of social enterprises have background of social work. Such social enterprises and social entrepreneurs can be seen as change agents working towards the development of local communities.


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